It is most unfortunate that the candidate recommended by the University Search Committee has never been tabled at this Council for deliberation. In our view we are actually doing it according to procedures.
I am in support of press freedom and also in sympathy with the candidate who defended himself against the criticism of some media. But apparently he has gone too far, to create controversy and use external and internal forces, directly or indirectly to lobby, pre-claim, coerce, intimidate, fabricate and sometimes even threaten Council members to approve his appointment. I myself was a victim on February12th this year when I was accused by a local newspaper for stalling his appointment at this Council. I then have to issue a public statement to clarify that the Council has not even started to discuss this appointment. This is just one incidence among many, and to me, all these tactics in fact are interferences in the University affairs at the highest level.
As members of the Council, and also trustee of the University, we are professionals with our independent judgment and ethics. We do our assessment based on the…… interests of HKU and the community at large. Given that position of the pro-vice-chancellor is responsible for academic recruitment and resources, the pro-vice-chancellor should be a role model for all, staff and students included. So I have strong reservation about the recommended candidate's integrity. And I would not accept the recommendation. Thank you.
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